Configure Redis Caching to Speed Up WordPress on Ubuntu
Create, Delete, and List Databases in MySQL
Running Multiple Versions of PHP on Apache and Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04
Set Up Postfix With Mailgun as SMTP Relay
Installing PHP 5 and MySQL 5.5 on Ubuntu 18.04
Fixing Nagios “error: Could not stat() command file”
One common configuration issue with Nagios 3 running on Ubuntu is getting the Service Commands menu to work correctly in the web portal. By default, it is visible in the UI, but disabled on the server backend. In Ubuntu, you will recieve the cryptic error Could not stat() command file pointing to /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd. This can…
Nagios Error – CHECK_NRPE: (ssl_err != 5) Error – Could not complete SSL handshake
Run PowerShell Scripts from Task Scheduler
Powershell is now the defacto scripting language in Windows environments. Microsoft have now decreed to all of it’s software units that they must create PowerShell cmdlet’s with full functionality to the software in all future releases. To run Powershell scripts from the Windows Task Scheduler, follow the steps below: 1) Open…
Postfix masquerading or changing outgoing SMTP email or mail address
Address rewriting allows changing outgoing email ID or domain name itself. This is good for hiding internal user names. For example:SMTP user: user-01EMAIL ID: [email protected] name: However when user-01 send an email from shell prompt or using php it looks like it was send from [email protected] Postfix MTA offers smtp_generic_maps parameter….